
Dr.Syed Abidur Rahman

Assistant Professor, University of Sharjah, UAE

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia

MS (University of East London, United Kingdom )



  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Research Interests:

  • SMEs, Entrepreneurial ecosystem, Digital Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, Developing countries

01/2022 – 08/2022 Senior Lecturer, Department of Management, Huddersfield Business School, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom 01/2018 – 01/2022 Assistant Professor, Department of Management College of Economics & Political Science (EQUIS accredited), Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman.
01/2016 – 01/2018 Senior Lecturer, OYA Graduate School of Business (AACSB, AMBA accredited), Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, Malaysia 01/2008 – 12/2015 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Stamford University, Bangladesh
01/2005 – 12/2007 Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Stamford University, Bangladesh.
08/2001 – 08/2003 Territory Manager, Customer Management Division, Unilever Bangladesh Limited.

• Associate Editor, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Taylor & Francis. • Associate Editor, International Journal of Business and Innovation, ISSN: 2309-0693. • Editorial Board Member: Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Business Management and Accounting (JBMA). • Associate Faculty, OYA Graduate School of Business, University Utara Malaysia. • Research Fellow, INTI International University, Malaysia · Visiting Researcher, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh • Member, Advisory Board, Global Youth Challenge, Canada. • Global Judge, Social Business Creation Competition 2021, organized by HEC Montreal, Canada.

Fellow, Chartered Management Institute (CMI), UK. Membership Grade: Affiliate, Membership Number: P04562310
Member, British Academy of Management (BAM), UK
Member, Academy of Management (AOM), USA.
Member, Asian Academy of Management (AAM), Malaysia
Member, International Council for Small Business, USA.
Member, International Association of Innovation Professionals
Coordinator, Yunus Social Business Academic Network, Malaysia and Asia-Pacific Chapter.
Member, Innovation & Entrepreneurship (I&E) Educators in the Emirates

• Role: Principal Investigator. Project: Dynamic Capabilities to Achieve the Digital Transformation Performance and Digital Frugal Innovation among SMEs in the United Arab Emirates. Grant type: UoS Competitive Grant, Grant No. 23030304342, Duration: 24 months (2023-2025), Member: 4, Grant amount: AED 66,000 (USD 17,968). • Role: Principal Investigator. Project: Holistic approach of Eco-innovation, Digitalization, and Entrepreneurship in the MENA region. Grant type: UoS Seed Grant, Grant No. 23030448, Duration: 24 months (2023-2025), Member: 4, Grant amount: AED 37,000 (USD 10,073). • Role: Principal Investigator. Project: The Role of social media usage to achieve sustainable business performance among Omani MSMEs. Grant type: SQU Internal Grant, Grant No. IG/EPS/MNGT/21/03, Duration: 24 months (2021-2022), Member: 4, Grant amount: OMR 3600 (USD 9350). • Role: Co-investigator. Project: Innovation culture of SMEs in Oman: Current practices and future movements. Grant type: SQU Internal Grant, Grant No. IG/EPS/MNGT/21/02, Duration: 24 months (2021-2022), Member: 4, Grant amount: OMR 3600 (USD 9350). • Role: Co-investigator. Project: Co-creation of shared value in open innovation for sustainability: Banking industry in Oman. Grant type: SQU Internal Grant, Grant No. IG/EPS/MNGT/21/01, Duration: 24 months (2021-2022), Member: 4, Grant amount: OMR 3600 (USD 9350). • Role: Principal Investigator. Project: The Role of Intellectual Capital Components on Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition and Competitiveness Improvement among Omani SME Entrepreneurs. Grant type: SQU Internal Grant, Grant No.: IG/EPS/MNGT/19/01, Duration: 24 months, Member: 3, Grant amount: OMR4,200 (USD10,9124). • Role: Co-investigator. The Role of exploratory and exploitative innovations for the SMEs performance in Oman: A concurrent quest. Grant type: SQU Internal Grant. Grant No. IG/EPS/MNGT/20/1. Duration: 24 months (2020-2022), Member: 4, Grant amount: OMR 3500 (USD 9091). • Role: Co-investigator. Project: Doing well by doing good: An Entrepreneurial approach towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship Paradigm among Malaysian SMEs. Grant type RUI-USM 1001/PMGT/8016010, Duration 2017-2019, Members 4, Grant amount RM 99,400 (USD23,785) • Role: Principal Investigator. Project: Establishing a Framework for High Impact Entrepreneurship Educational Practices (HIEEP) in Business Schools: Turning Students from Job Seekers to Job Creators. Approved. Grant type: Top-down Research Grant, UUM, Duration 2017-2018. Members: 5. Grant Amount: RM 30,000 (USD 7,180) • Role: Co-investigator. Project: Developing the Social Innovation Index: An inclusive assessment tool for Malaysian Business Organizations. FRGS Grant. Duration: 2016-2018. Grant Agency: Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. Members: 5. Grant Amount: RM 60,000 (USD 14,360)

1. Syed Abidur Rahman, Behnaz Saboori, Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh (2023). A New Insight on Tourism-Entrepreneurship Nexus: The Role of Tourism Market Diversification, Tourism Planning & Development, DOI: 10.1080/21568316.2023.2252413, 1-20. (SCOPUS Q1, Clarivate Analytics IF 2.4, B (ABDC), 2* ABS)
2. Syed Abidur Rahman, Mirza Mohammad, Didarul Alam, Rowan Kennedy, Golam Khan (2023). Shaping bricolage behaviour: the role of personality traits among female entrepreneurs in an emerging economy. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 18 (3), 525-546. (SCOPUS Q1, Clarivate Analytics IF 2.70, B (ABDC), 1* ABS)
1. Syed Abidur Rahman, Golam Mostafa Khan, Salem Al Abri, Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh (2022). The Role of Intellectual Capital on Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition among the SMEs in the Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 23 (4), 816-839. (SCOPUS Q1, Clarivate Analytics IF 6.0, B (ABDC), 2* ABS).
2. Davoud Nikbin, Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh, Syed Abidur Rahman (2022). Linking Dark Triad Traits to Instagram Addiction: The Mediating Role of Motives. Technology in Society, 68 (2022), 101892. (SCOPUS Q1, Clarivate Analytics IF 9.2, C (ABDC).
3. Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh, Syed Abidur Rahman, Davoud Nikbin, Mirza Mohammad Didarul Alam, Lidia Alexa, Choo Ling Suan, Shirin Taghizadeh (2022). Factors Influencing Students’ Continuance Usage Intention with Online Learning System during the Pandemic: A Cross Country Analysis. Behaviour & Information Technology, 41 (9), 1998-2017. (SCOPUS Q1, Clarivate Analytics IF 3.7, A (ABDC), 2* ABS).
1. Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh, Davoud Nikbin, Mirza Mohammad Didarul Alam, Syed Abidur Rahman, Gunalan Nadarajah (2021). Technological Capabilities and Open Innovation in SMEs: The Moderating Role of Environmental Dynamism. Journal of Knowledge Management, 25 (6), 1486-1507. (SCOPUS Q1, Clarivate Analytics IF 7.0, A (ABDC), 2*ABS).
1. Syed Abidur Rahman, Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh, Mirza Mohammad Didarul Alam (2020). Do mobile financial services ensure the subjective well-being of micro-entrepreneurs? An investigation applying UTAUT2 model. Information Technology for Development, 26 (2), 421-444. (SCOPUS Q1, Clarivate Analytics IF 4.8, B (ABDC), 2*ABS).
2. Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh, Syed Abidur Rahman, M. M Hossain, & M.M. Hoque (2020). Characteristics of organizational culture in stimulating service innovation and performance. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 38 (2), 224-238. (SCOPUS Q2, Clarivate Analytics IF 4.4, A (ABDC), 1*ABS).
1. Syed Abidur Rahman, Azlan Amran, Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh (2019). The contrasting role of government and NGO support towards the entrepreneurs at base of pyramid and effect on subjective wellbeing. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 31(4), 269-295. (SCOPUS Q1, C (ABDC), 1*ABS).
2. Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh, Syed Abidur Rahman, Malliga Marimuthu (2019). Idea generation leveraged from value co-creation process enhances new service development performance. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 27 (6), 483-504. (SCOPUS Q1, Clarivate Analytics 4.1, A (ABDC), 2*ABS).
3. Rabea Al-Awbathani, Marlin Marissa Abdul Malek, Syed Abidur Rahman (2019). The Role of Informal Institutions in Moderating the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, Entrepreneurial Outcome Expectations and Entrepreneurial Career Choice: A Conceptual Perspective. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22 (2), 1-7. (SCOPUS Q1).
1. Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh, Syed Abidur Rahman, Md. Mosharref Hossain (2018). Knowledge from customer, for customer, or about customer: Which triggers innovation capability the most? Journal of Knowledge Management, 22 (1), 162-182. (SCOPUS Q1, Clarivate Analytics IF 7.0, A (ABDC), 2*ABS).
1. Syed Abidur Rahman, Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh, Ramayah T., Mirza Didarul Alam (2017). Technology Acceptance among Micro-entrepreneurs in a Marginalised Social Strata: The Case of Social Innovation in Bangladesh. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 118, 236-245. (SCOPUS Q1, Clarivate Analytics IF 12.0, A (ABDC), 3*ABS).
2. T. Ramayah, Lam Siew Lian, Syed Abidur Rahman, Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh (2017). Modelling Mobile Money Adoption: A Malaysian Perspective. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 15 (5), 491- 513 (SCOPUS Q2, Clarivate Analytics IF 1.6).

2 PhD and 5 DBA supervision and co-supervision (completed) including a number of Masters (MBA) theses supervision as supervisor.

Recipient of Best Teacher Award, Academic year 2021/22. Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Recipient of SQU Prize for Publication Award, Academic year 2019/20. Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Certified “Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile®” Practitioner by Leadership Development Institute, Eckerd College, USA, 2019.

Member, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Committee, Department of Management, University of Sharjah.
Member, Community Outreach and Alumni Committee, Department of Management, University of Sharjah.
Member, Library Committee, College of Business Administration, University of Sharjah.
Member, Teaching & Learning Committee, College of Business Administration, University of Sharjah.
Member, Student Success Committee, College of Business Administration, University of Sharjah.
Member, PhD recruitment committee, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
Course Coordinator, International Business, Department of Management, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
Member, Curriculum committee, College level, 2018-till date, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
Member, Examination and grading committee, Departmental level, 2018-till date, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
Member, Quality & Accreditation committee, Departmental Level, 2018-2019, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
Conducted workshop on “Publishing in ABS List Journals” Conducted Doctoral Training Series on “Data Analysis”. Univeriti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia. Discussant at Doctoral Symposium 2017 organized by OYA GSB, Univeriti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.
Team Member, Accreditation committee, Auditing of ABEST21, OYA Graduate School of Business, Univeriti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.
Team Member, Accreditation committee, CEEMAN IQA, OYA Graduate School of Business, Univeriti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.
Member, Research & Publication committee, OYA Graduate School of Business, Univeriti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.